Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Color In the Grey Days of Winter

Welcome to The Joy of Facepainting website!

Full Face Butterfly Face Painting
 We are now officially within the season of Winter, and although it is not my favorite season of the year it is a welcome one.  It is a renewing one.  It is a time when the natural world goes into a time of sleeping to replenish the splendor that it has shown us during spring, summer and fall.  I love my own dear sleep so I guess I will have to give fine old Mother Nature hers too. ;)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Urbana Sweet Corn Festival 2012

I am so excited to say that since moving to the Champaign Urbana area I was privileged to be a part of the Urbana Sweet Corn Festival 2012!  This was the first large, carnival type event The Joy of Facepainting had ever done and it was a great success.  It was such an amazing event.  Together, with help from my husband, Jesse, we kept our line flowing and brought lots of smiles to the famous Sweet Corn Festival.  What a pleasure for a fresh from the plains of Colorado girl to be a part of this long-standing and classic festival!